3.1.5. Feng at al. (2011) “Evaluation of Cloud Convection and Tracer Transport”¶
Feng W., Chipperfield M.P., Dhomse S., Monge-Sanz B.M., Yang X., Zhang K., Ramonet M. “Evaluation of Cloud Convection and Tracer Transport in a Three-dimensional Chemical Transport Model” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol 11 pp 5783-5803, 2011 Where is this study placed within the wave modelling community?¶
This study is really outside the wave modelling community, looking at meteorological processes
However, it might take input from wave models such as the pressure drag (or form drag) and shear stress/viscous drag (or friction drag) Aim¶
Diagnose the following:
the updraft mass flux
convective precipitation
cloud top height
Compare CTM with three analyses:
ECMWF Operational
ECMWF Interim Method¶
Cumulus parametrisations:
Convective adjustment
Mass-flux schemes
Large number of processes involved:
Large-scale advection
Dry/wet deposition
Planetary boundary layer mixing
CTMs use meteorological data. But the key uncertainty in tropospheric CTMs is:
Accuracy of sub-grid scale transport by convection
Method is to:
Use archived mass fluxes
Assess impact of resolution
Try different external forcing meteorology and surface data
Try different parametrisations
Compare TOMCAT with ECMWF reanalyses and by using Radon as a model tracer
Note on wind modelling (as this may related to wind-wave interaction):
TOMCAT reads winds as spectral coefficients of vorticity and divergence. These are then averaged onto whatever model grid is being used as part of the spectral transform. If the forcing winds are higher resolution than the model grid then information from the higher wavenumbers is not used - the spectral coefficients are truncated Datasets¶
Convective mass flux
Cloud top height
Convective precipitation
Radon measurements Conclusions¶
Convective mass flux
Use of archived mass fluxes improves CTM
TOMCAT CTM underestimates convective mass flux compared to archive
Most severe disagreement is in vertical extent of convection. Archive shows strong convective transport up to 100hPa, but model extends to only 200hPa (1hectoPa = 1millibar)
Resolution of CTM didn’t make much difference to the convection
Cloud top height
Cloud top height - not as greater difference as convective mass flux
Convective precipitation
Model of convective precipitation generally captures latitudinal precipitation
Resolution did make a difference to the Radon results
Agreement up to 10km in middle latitudes