Second Order Numerical Methods¶ Leapfrog Scheme¶ Equations¶
For linear convection the schemes we have considered so far are:
Unconditionally unstable (1st order FD in time, 2nd order CD in space)
Introduce numerical diffusion (1st order FD in time, 1st order BD in space)
For demonstrations of this, see numerical_scheme_1
For the leapfrog scheme, both space and time are discretised by 2nd order CD formulas
where the CFL number is \(\sigma = {{c \Delta t} \over \Delta x}\)
\(u_i^{n+1} \Rightarrow\) New Solution
\(u_i^{n}\) Does not contribute (leapfrogging)
3 time levels in the discretisation
Requires initialisation by using another method - e.g. upwind (a starting scheme) von Neumann analysis¶
As G is independent of n, write:
Quadratic Equation for G:
If \(\sigma > 1\) the scheme is unstable, since sqrt term can be negative, thus G pure imaginary and magnitude of G > 0 (e.g. \(\phi = \pi / 2\))
If \(\sigma < 1\) them in sqrt is always real and
Therefore the scheme is neutrally stable (oscillations will neither grow nor reduce) because the amplification factor is equal to 1 for the convection equation.
Question: would this therefore be useful for analysing ocean waves that have an oscillatory input? Lax-Friedrichs Scheme¶
Introduced in the paper:
Lax P.D. “Weak Solutions of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations and Their Numerical Computation”, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics (1954)
Peter Lax laid the foundations for the modern theory of non-linear hyperbolic equations and shock wave theory. In 2005 he won the Abel Prize for mathematics. Equations¶
The idea of the Lax-Friedrichs scheme is to replace \(u_i^n\) in (1) by the average:
This will stabilize FD in t / CD in x (Forward Time, Centred Scheme - FTCS)
Substitution introduces an error \(O(\Delta x) \Rightarrow\) Reduces the order of the scheme to first order - however it is now stable (FTCS was unconditionally unstable for the convection equation)
\(u_i^{n+1}\) does not depend on \(u_i^n\) von Neumann analysis¶
Insert the following into discretized equation:
In the usual way we obtain:
This results in an ellipse in the complex plane
CFL stabilty condition applies, \(\sigma \le 1\)
Question: is this useful for shock wave modelling, because the scheme introduces an artificial viscosity term, i.e. \(1 \over 2\) ? Lax-Wendroff Scheme¶
Introduced in the paper:
Lax, P. and Wendroff, B. “System of Conservation Laws”, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics (1960)
The Lax-Friedrichs scheme stabilized FTCS scheme, but introduced an error that was too large, i.e. unacceptable 1st order error.
The Lax-Wendroff scheme was the first scheme introduced that was 2nd order in space and time - with only TWO time levels (unlike the Leapfrog scheme which has THREE)
History: This is a landmark scheme in the history of CFD and was used in aeronautical applications from the 1960s - 1980s Equations¶
Taylor expansion in time:
Keep the second time derivative in the discretisation
Replace the time derivatives by equivalent space derivatives
Application of Procedure
Use convection equation: \(u_t + cu_x = 0 \quad \Rightarrow \qquad u_t = -cu_x\)
Take the time derivative of the convection equation: \(\partial / {\partial t} \quad \Rightarrow \qquad u_{tt} = -c(u_x)_t = -c(u_t)_x = c^2u_{xx}\)
Replace \(u_t\) and \(u_{tt}\) in (3):
This has introduced an additional dissipative term \({{c^2 \Delta t^2} \over 2} (u_{xx})_i^n\)
Using CD in x on the Taylor Expansion results in the Lax-Wendroff Scheme: Notes on Lax-Wendroff Scheme¶
Looking back at the Modified Differential Equation for FTCS
LW scheme is the discretisation of a modified convection equation obtained by adding the lowest order truncation error term:
LW dominating truncation error is \(\sim u_{xxx}\) and it’s modified differential equation: von Neumann analysis¶
The result is the following amplification factor:
Real and imaginary parts:
This results in:
Lax Wendroff scheme is stable if \(\sigma < 1\) (CFL condition)