4. von Neumann Stability Analysis¶
The key to the von Neumann stability analysis is to expand the solution (or error) in a finite Fourier series
4.1. Fourier decomposition of the solution¶
\(\bar{u}_i^n \rightarrow\) exact solution of the discretised equations
\(u_i^n \rightarrow\) numerical solution of the discretised equations (roundoff error, errors in I.C. etc)
\(N \rightarrow\) numerical scheme
\(D \rightarrow\) differential equations
By definition \(\rightarrow N(\bar{u}_i^n) \equiv 0\)
Apply \(N()\) to equation above
If the Numerical scheme is linear
- If \(N(u_i^n)=0\) represents the numerical scheme
- Then the errors satisfy the same equation as the numerical solution, i.e. \(N(\bar{\epsilon}_i^n)=0\)
4.2. Wavenumbers resolvable by a domain¶
- Consider a 1D domain \((0, L)\)
- Reflect it onto \((-L, 0)\)
- Create mesh point, spacing \(\Delta x\)
4.2.1. Maximum wavenumber¶
- Shortest resolvable wavelength \(\lambda_{min} = 2 \Delta x\)
- Maximum wavenumber \(k_{max} = {{2 \pi} \over {2 \Delta x}} = {\pi \over {\Delta x}}\)
4.2.2. Minimum wavenumber¶
- Largest resolvable wavelength \(\lambda_{max} = 2 L\)
- Minimum wavenumber \(k_{min} = {{2 \pi} \over {2 L}} = {\pi \over {L}}\)
4.3. Harmonics¶
- Mesh index \(i = 0 .... N\), \(x_i = i \Delta x\), \(\Delta x = {L \over N}\)
- All harmonics represented in this finite mesh are:
- Where: \(j = 0 .... N\) (and \(j = 0\) for a constant solution)
4.4. Phase angle¶
- Phase angle is given by:
Covers the whole domain \((-\pi, \pi)\) in steps \(\pi \over N\)
4.5. Decomposition in finite Fourier series¶
- Where \(I = \sqrt{-1}\)
- And \(V_j^n\) = amplitude of \(j^{th}\) harmonic
4.6. von Neumann Stability Condition¶
- The amplitude of any harmonic many not grow indefinitely in time (as \(n \rightarrow \infty\))
- Amplification factor - This is a function of the scheme parameters and \(\phi\) (not n):
- Stability condition:
4.7. Example 1: Explicit FD in t, CD in x for 1D linear convection¶
FD in t, CD in x:
- Replace all terms of the form \(u_{i+m}^{n+k}\) by \(V^{n+k}e^{I(i+m)\phi}\)
- Divide through by \(e^{Ii\phi}\)
- Amplification factor - exp function is periodic with period \(2\pi I\), i.e. \(e^{a+bI}=e^a(cosb + Isinb)\):
- Stability requires that the “norm of G” be less than 1, i.e. “G” times “G conjugate” is less than 1:
Hence FD in t, CD in x for 1D linear convection is unconditionally unstable
4.8. Example 2 - Implicit BD in t, CD in x for 1D linear convection¶
BD in t, CD in x:
Amplification factor:
- BD in t and CD in x for 1D linear convection is unconditionally stable
4.9. Example 3 - Explicit FD in t, BD in x (upwind) for 1D linear convection¶
FD in t, BD in x:
Since \(1-cos A=2 sin^2(A/2)\)
Separate real and imaginary parts of \(G\), \(\xi\), \(\eta\)
Parametric equations for G on complex plane (with \(\phi\) as a parameter) \(\rightarrow\) circle centred on the real axis at point \((1-\sigma)\)
On the complex plane, the stability condition is \(\left\vert G \right\vert \lt 1\)
The circle for \(G\) should be inside the unit circle
Stable for \(0 \le \sigma \le 1\)
Hence FD in t, BD in x for 1D linear convection is conditionally stable
4.10. Example 4 - Implicit BD in t, BD in x for 1D linear convection¶
BD in t, BD in x:
Hence BD in t, BD in x is unconditionally stable
Most explicit schemes are either:
- Unconditionally unstable
- Conditionally stable
Most implicit schemes are:
- Unconditionally stable
Explicit schemes are useless for practical work. However, implicit schemes require more work to solve.
4.11. Example 5 - Explicit FD in t, CD in x for 1D diffusion¶
FD in t, CD in x:
Amplification factor:
Stability condition: \(\left\vert 1-4 \beta sin^2 \left(\phi \over 2 \right) \right\vert \le 1\)
Satisfied for:
Hence BD in t, BD in x is conditionally stable for:
\(\nu \gt 0\) (stability of the physical problem)
\({\nu {\Delta t \over \Delta x^2}} \le {1 \over 2}\) (conditional stability of the scheme)
4.12. Example 6 - Implicit BD in t, CD in x for 1D diffusion¶
BD in t, CD in x:
- Replace all terms of the form \(u_{i+m}^{n+k}\) by \(V^{n+k}e^{I(i+m)\phi}\)
- Divide through by \(e^{Ii\phi}\)
- Amplification factor - exp function is periodic with period \(2\pi I\), i.e. \(e^{a+bI}=e^a(cosb + Isinb)\):
- Stability requires that the magnitude of G is less than 1:
Hence BD in t, CD in x for 1D diffusion is unconditionally stable
4.13. Summary¶
- Stability conditions place a limit on the time step for a given spatial step.
- This has a physical interpretation - the solution progresses too rapidly in time - especially a problem for convection dominated flows and compressible flows at the speed of sound - if c is large \(\Delta t\) must be small.
- Implicit schemes have no limit on timestep. Implicit vs explicit is a debatable area for different applications.
- For the diffusion equation, the explicit time step restriction here is not too severe. But numerical diffusion can be large, depending on \(\Delta x\).
- The stability of linear schemes is well understood. But we have also neglected boundaries.