4.1.7. Euler and Lagrange¶ What is the difference between the Euler and Lagrange approach?¶
- Lagrange:
Moving frame of reference
Elements are matter
Results in pathlines
- Euler:
Stationary frame of reference
Elements are spatial
Results in streamlines What are the advantages and disadvantages between the Euler and Lagrange approach?¶
- Lagrange:
Advantage: More suitable than Euler for the dynamics of discrete particles in a fluid e.g. flow visualisation.
Disadvantage: Computationally expensive to keep track of large numbers of particles in a flow field
- Euler:
Advantage: More suitable than Lagrange for the dynamics of a fluid flow field, e.g. CFD
Disadvantage: Time step limited by grid due to stability or accuracy What is the derivation of the link between the Euler and Lagrange mass conservation?¶
Eulerian mass conservation:
Lagrangian derivative (or Total/Material/Substantive derivative):
Lagrangian derivative applies to incompressible flow \(\longrightarrow \nabla \cdot \vec{u} = 0\)
Substituting Lagrangian derivative into expanded Eulerian mass conservation: