1.13. How to Create a Virtual Machine¶
1.13.1. Why create a VM?¶ Advantages¶
Can test software installations in a sandbox before use, can revert changes if it doesn’t work
Can give the virtual machine with the software to the client (so they don’t have to install anything to run the program) Disadvantages¶
Need enough RAM: need twice the amount of memory of the VMs
Have to have enough disk space
Have to have 64-bit CPU with virtualisation extensions
1.13.2. Process of Creating a VM¶
Process of Creating the VM for CentOS Download Disk Image¶
Download the .iso file (64 bit) e.g. xubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso
Why Xubuntu:
It’s very lightweight (maybe not as lightweight as I thought… as it has package manager)
Why not CentOS?
It doesn’t have package manager
Download CentOS (minimal - if you know what you are doing… this will not install any software, even if you select it in the installation):
I used version 7 (although others use 6.6). The mirror I used to download it was this (the iso is called: CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1503-01.iso)
Download CentOS DVD:
I used version 7 (although others use 6.6). The mirror I used to download it was this (the iso is called: CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1503-01.iso ) Create a New VirtualBox¶
Download and Install Oracle VirtualBox:
Startup VirtualBox and create a new VM e.g.
Name: Xubuntu 14.04.2 LTS 20GB
Type: Linux
Version: Xubuntu 64 bit
Type: Linux
Version: Red Hat (64-bit) Create Virtual Hard Drive¶
Memory size (half of what is installed): 6GB
Select option: Create a virtual harddrive now
Select option: VirtualBox Disk Image (experience is that the other options don’t work any better)
Select option: Fixed size 20GB (so that we have enough space for Xubuntu and other updates) … Actually I think 50GB is better for having space to do things.
Hit “Create” (might take about 10 minutes or so… will take 30min if it’s 50GB)
You now have a virtual harddrive Install Operating System - Ubuntu¶
In VirtualBox > Settings > Storage > IDE (Empty)
Controller: IDE
Choose ISO Image
In VirtualBox > Start
Select: Install Ubuntu
Don’t Select: Download updates while installing
Gave username and password
Select: Continue
Select: Install Now
Where are you? UK
Detect Keyboard
Yes to password protect login
When installation is complete:
Select: Restart Now (it restarts and removes the CD automatically)
It asks whether the CD is removed - ensure CD is removed: Press Enter
It should restart
Snapshot taken at this point Install Operating System - CentOS¶
In VirtualBox > Settings > Storage > IDE (Empty)
Controller: IDE
Choose ISO Image
In VirtualBox > Start
Select: Install CentOS 7
Select: English (United Kingdom) - Continue
Select the Partitioning
I will configure partitioning
New CentOS mount points (there won’t be any existing ones). Create:
Swap partition (double the RAM we allocated for the VM - i.e. 12GB)
Root partition - 20GB (I think this is where software goes)
Home partition - the rest of the space i.e. 18GB (for files)
For some reason when I entered these numbers, I got 11.18GB, 18.63GB and 16.76GB for swap, root and home respectively. Although the centos volume said 4096kB free. They are all standard partitions.
Press Done
Accept changes
Software installation
GNOME Applications
Internet Applications
Legacy X Window System Compatibility
Office Suite and Productivity
Compatibility Libraries
Development Tools
Security Tools
Un-enable kdump
Network and hostname:
I don’t think I have a static IP, so I just turned the ethernet on
Begin installation
Root Password is set to something
User is an administrator and has the same password
Finish configuration
Reboot the system
When it rebooted, I selected English and English(UK)
Snapshot taken at this point Change the Settings of the Virtual Machine¶
In VirtualBox > Settings > Display
128MB Video Memory for increased speed
3D acceleration
In VirtualBox > Settings > System
Processor: change to 4 (needs virtualisation extensions)
Execution Cap: 100% Run Updates for Xubuntu¶
In VirtualBox > Start
Run updates for Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get update Install DKMS¶
Install Dynamic Kernel Module Support – otherwise everytime you update the kernel, you’ll have to update Guest Additions
$ sudo apt-get install dkms Install VirtualBox Guest Additions¶
Install Guest Additions, which gives enhanced mouse pointer and video control and installs Vbox Service.
In the VirtualBox environment: Devices > Install Guest Additions (this opens a window, if not double click the CD mounted on the dekstop)
Double click autorun.sh and enter user’s password (this then installs Guest Additions)
Right click the CD on the desktop and eject the volume
Shut down the VM and restart it for Guest Additions to be installed
Snapshot taken at this point
1.13.3. Pass Through Folder¶
I haven’t tried this, but there are loads of tutorials on this, the best one is this:
Obtain the name of the Ubuntu Box:
sudo nano /etc/hosts
(Could be VMUbuntu)
In Xubuntu Guest Machine
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get samba
In File Manager: Right click folder > Share Folder (will install Samba)
Restart session
In Ubuntu Guest Machine
$ sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf &
In that file add a line:
workgroup = WORKGROUP
force user = username (this is the username in Ubuntu VM)
Restart Samba:
$ sudo restart smbd
Right click folder > Share Folder (Allow others to create and delete files).
Create share
Create a file in Ubuntu to share
In Windows Search:
In Windows Explorer > Network (May need to turn on share and discovery)
1.13.4. How to Fix Host/Guest Copy Paste Issues¶
In Virtual Box:
Settings > General > Advanced
Shared Clipboard: Bidirectional
Drag n’ Drop: Bidirectional
If the version of Virtual Box is not up-to-date with respect to the Xubuntu version, this can sometimes not work, if not just update Virtual Box.
1.13.5. Snapshot Management¶
Useful for trial software installation. Remember: just running an operating system creates changes. We can’t restore while the machine is powered on.
In VirtualBox > Snapshots:
Right click > Take snapshop
Right click > Restore snapshot
Right click > Delete snapshot (to remove large files)
1.13.6. How to Clone VMs¶
How to give other people the VM? Clone it Can’t give just snapshot
Clone snapshot: Right click > Clone
If you are going to be using the clone on the same network as the virtual machine check reinitilise the MAC address of all network cards – otherwise you will have multiple machines with the same MAC address and this will confuse the network.
Select: Full clone – so other people can use it
Select: Clone everything
Can now give other people the .vdi file (the harddisk) and the .vbox. They can launch this directly in their copy of virtual box.
1.13.7. Adjust Network Adapter¶
Use: NAT (allows Guest to use Internet)
Adapter Type: PCnet-Fast III (Am79C973)
Can randomise MAC address. 08002731A607 (if other VMs are somehow using the same address)
1.13.8. Types of Storage¶
In VirtualBox: Settings > Storage
Ubuntu uses SATA, CD uses IDE.
1.13.9. How to Copy vdi files¶
File > Virtual Media Manager
Differencing files are roughly equivalent to snapshots
.vdi files have unique identifiers – can’t just copy and paste
If you want to copy a snapshot – you must use clone (as above)
If you want to copy a VM (that isn’t a snapshot), you can use: File > Virtual Media Manager > Copy > Next > Next > Next > Give it a name > Copy
To test the copy, you must add the .vdi file as a harddrive to a virtual machine (not just in the virtual machine manager)
1.13.10. Software and Customisation¶
This is a list of software I’ve installed so far on the VM, plus additional customisation.
# Guest Additions Installed
ran autorun.sh on Guest Additions CD
#OpenFOAM installed
VERS=$(lsb_release -cs)
sudo sh -c "echo deb http://www.openfoam.org/download/ubuntu $VERS main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openfoam.list"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openfoam231
# paraview installed
sudo apt-get install paraviewopenfoam410
# gedit installed and edited .bashrc to run OpenFOAM
sudo apt-get install gedit
# edited .bashrc
gedit ~/.bashrc
Added: source /opt/openfoam231/etc/bashrc
export FOAM_RUN='/home/andrew/OpenFOAM/andrew-2.3.1/run'
export WORK='/home/andrew/OpenFOAM/andrew-2.3.1/run/tutorials/incompressible/icoFoam/cavity'
export DOWNLOADS='/home/andrew/Downloads'
export SPHINX='/home/andrew/Sphinx/thevisualroom'
# sphinx
sudo apt-get install python-sphinx
# removed Pictures, Documents, Videos, Music, Templates, Public
# git
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install gitk # to view git history
# filezilla
sudo apt-get install filezilla