1.4. Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS¶
1.4.1. Change hostname¶
hostnamectl set-hostname andrew-pc
sudo nano /etc/hostname
(andrew-pc in here)
sudo nano /etc/hosts
(andrew-pc in here)
1.4.2. Chromium from Ubuntu Software¶
Changed default to Chromium
1.4.3. Background¶
I have saved this to Pictures/do_not_delete.svg
1.4.4. Adwaita-dark theme¶
Only need Adwaita theme (copied from laptop) /usr/share/themes/Adwaita
Install Tweak Tool and Unity Tweak from Ubuntu Software Centre
You must restart Ubuntu
1.4.5. Texmaker¶
Ubuntu software center
1.4.6. Dropbox¶
Ubuntu software
1.4.7. Aspell¶
sudo apt-get install aspell
1.4.8. VPN¶
Pulse Secure
1.4.10. GIMP¶
Ubuntu software centre
1.4.11. Pointwise¶
sh pw-V18.0R2-linux_x86_64-jre.sh
Next, Accept
is installation directory
hydro/Pointwise_User copied from MyBookDuo
1.4.12. Tree¶
sudo apt-get install tree
1.4.13. TMUX 2.1¶
sudo apt-get install tmux
1.4.14. VIM 7.4¶
sudo apt-get install vim
1.4.15. Screen¶
Brightness and Lock > Turn screen off when incative for: Never
1.4.16. Changed password for user¶
1.4.17. Git¶
sudo apt-get install git
1.4.18. CURL¶
sudo apt-get install curl
1.4.19. Silver Searcher¶
sudo apt-get install silversearcher-ag
1.4.20. Sphinx¶
sudo apt-get install python-sphinx
Made a mistake, install Anaconda then pip install Sphinx(version)
sudo apt-get remove --purge python-sphinx
sudo apt-get autoremove
1.4.21. Synaptic Package Manager¶
Ubuntu software
1.4.22. Anaconda¶
64-bit (x86) Installer
sh Anaconda3-2019.07-Linux-x86_64.sh
1.4.24. Anaconda - install modules for same Python version as Isambard 2¶
conda search "python"
conda create -n py3 python=3.6.5 anaconda
pip install PyFoam==0.6.6
“distributed 1.21.8 requires msgpack, which is not installed.”
pip install msgpack
pip install numpy
pip install matplotlib
pip install scipy
pip install deap
pip install pyDOE
pip install evoalgos
pip install GPy
pip install cma
pip install numpy-stl
pip install Sphinx==2.0.1
pip install nbsphinx
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
1.4.25. Filezilla¶
Ubuntu software centre
1.4.26. IscaOpt code¶
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/hydro/Dropbox/00_Hydro_Project/7_code/0000_bayesian_optimisation_readthedocs/source"
cd FrontCalc
python setup.py install
(EA algorithm doesnt work as OF not installed?)
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/hydro/Dropbox/00_Hydro_Project/7_code/0000_evolutionary_algorithm_readthedocs/arahat-cfd-test-problem-suite-untouched-sphinx/source"
1.4.27. OpenFOAM 4.x¶
Have to install 32 bit integer support for compatiblility with CFMesh
Ubuntu 16.04
Here you have the following choices:
Follow the official instructions for building from source code: OpenFOAM Source Repository
Or by following the detailed step-by-step instructions below…
Discussion thread where you can ask questions about these steps: No thread available. Please a create a new thread in the forum.
Switch to root mode (administrator), to install the necessary packages:
sudo -s
If the ‘sudo’ command tells you’re not in the sudoers list, then run:
su -
Update the apt-get cache by running:
apt-get update
Install the necessary packages:
apt-get install git-core build-essential binutils-dev cmake flex bison zlib1g-dev qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev libqtwebkit-dev gnuplot \
libreadline-dev libncurses-dev libxt-dev libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libgmp-dev \
libmpfr-dev python python-dev libcgal-dev
Note: It has been reported that the following should also be executed in some cases, so that ParaView will build properly:
apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev libqt4-opengl-dev
Now exit from the root mode:
Download and unpack (here you can copy-paste all in single go):
#OpenFOAM downloading and installation
cd ~
mkdir OpenFOAM
cd OpenFOAM
git clone https://github.com/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-4.x.git
git clone https://github.com/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-4.x.git
Optional: Let’s make a few symbolic links that should ensure that the correct global MPI installation is used by this OpenFOAM installation:
ln -s /usr/bin/mpicc.openmpi OpenFOAM-4.x/bin/mpicc
ln -s /usr/bin/mpirun.openmpi OpenFOAM-4.x/bin/mpirun
This way we avoid having problems in case there is more than one MPI toolbox installed in your Ubuntu system, for example if MPICH2 is installed and is the default MPI toolbox.
For building OpenFOAM itself, it depends on whether you have installed the i686 or x86_64 architecture of Ubuntu. To check this, run:
uname -m
Now, accordingly:
For building with the normal 32-bit integer support (maximum
cells, faces or points):
source /hydro/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-4.x/etc/bashrc FOAMY_HEX_MESH=yes
Save an alias in the personal .bashrc file, simply by running the following command:
echo "alias of4x='source /hydro/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-4.x/etc/bashrc $FOAM_SETTINGS'" >> $HOME/.bashrc
Note: This last line means that whenever you start a new terminal window or tab, you should run the alias command associated to the OpenFOAM-4.x shell environment. In other words, whenever you start a new terminal, you should run:
For more information on this topic, read section Using aliases to help manage multiple OpenFOAM versions in the page Installation/Working with the Shell.
Now, in order to build ParaView 5.0.1, including with the ability to use Python and MPI, a few steps are needed:
Make sure you’re running in the ThirdParty folder and that the correct Qt version is used:
export QT_SELECT=qt4
For building ParaView with Python and MPI, it depends on whether you have installed the i686 or x86_64 architecture of Ubuntu. To check this, run:
uname -m
Now, accordingly:
For i686:
#this will take a while... somewhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours or more
./makeParaView -python -mpi -python-lib /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpython2.7.so.1.0 > log.makePV 2>&1
For x86_64:
#this will take a while... somewhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours or more
./makeParaView -python -mpi -python-lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython2.7.so.1.0 > log.makePV 2>&1
Now let’s build OpenFOAM:
Go into OpenFOAM’s main source folder and be certain that the correct Qt version is being used:
export QT_SELECT=qt4
This next command will take a while… somewhere between 30 minutes to 3-6 hours:
./Allwmake -j 4 > log.make 2>&1
Note: The “4” refers to the number of cores to be used for building in parallel. In addition, the amount of RAM needed for building scales with the number of cores used, something like 1GB of RAM per core; a minimum of 1.5GB is needed for linking the libraries, which is not done in parallel.
Run it a second time for getting a summary of the installation:
./Allwmake -j 4 > log.make 2>&1
Note: Technically, the build will stop as soon as the first error is found. Running a second time only makes it easier to sort through between what’s already been built and where the crash occurred.
To check if everything went well: Check if icoFoam is working, by running this command:
icoFoam -help
1.4.28. CFMESH¶
$ cd ~
$ wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/cfmesh/files/v1.1.2/cfMesh-v1.1.2.tgz
$ tar zxvf cfMesh-v1.1.2.tgz
$ cd cfMesh-v1.1.2/
$ chmod u+x ./Allwmake
$ ./Allwmake
1.4.29. Build the problems¶
of4x # load your OpenFOAM installation using alias
cd Exeter_CFD_Problems/data/PitzDaily/solvers
chmod u+x ./Allmake
cd ../../../..
cd Exeter_CFD_Problems/data/KaplanDuct/solvers
chmod u+x ./Allmake
cd ../../../..
cd Exeter_CFD_Problems/data/HeatExchanger/solvers
chmod u+x ./Allmake
1.4.30. Test the problem suite¶
$ jupyter-notebook
import sys, time
import numpy as np
seed = 1435
# import problem classes
import Exeter_CFD_Problems as TestProblems
verbose = False
sys.argv = sys.argv[:1]
print('Demonstration of the PitzDialy test problem.')
# set up directories.
settings = {
'source_case': 'Exeter_CFD_Problems/data/PitzDaily/case_fine/',
'case_path': 'Exeter_CFD_Problems/data/PitzDaily/case_single/',
'boundary_files': ['Exeter_CFD_Problems/data/PitzDaily/boundary.csv'],
'fixed_points_files': ['Exeter_CFD_Problems/data/PitzDaily/fixed.csv']
# instantiate the problem object
prob = TestProblems.PitzDaily(settings)
# get the lower and upper bounds
lb, ub = prob.get_decision_boundary()
# generate random solutions satisfying the lower and upper bounds.
x = np.random.random((1000, lb.shape[0])) * (ub - lb) + lb
rand_x = []
for i in range(x.shape[0]):
if prob.constraint(x[i]): # check to see if the random solution is valid
# evaluate for a solution
print('Number of control points: ', prob.n_control)
print('Decision vector: ', rand_x[0])
print('Running simulation ...')
start = time.time()
res = prob.evaluate(rand_x[0], verbose=verbose)
print('Objective function value:', res)
print('Time taken:', time.time()-start, ' seconds.')
1.4.31. TEXLive¶
sudo apt-get install texlive-full
1.4.32. DVIPNG (for saving figures)¶
sudo apt-get install dvipng
1.4.33. PDF Presenter Console¶
sudo apt-get install pdf-presenter-console
1.4.34. Foxit Reader¶
a. Change the directory containing the downloaded file (used /tmp as the example):
# cd /tmp
b. Uncompress the executable file
# gzip -d 'FoxitReader_version_Setup.run.tar.gz'
c. Untar the .tar file
# tar xvf 'FoxitReader_version_Setup.run.tar'
d. Run the installer:
# ./'FoxitReader_version_Setup.run'
e. Follow the steps on the screen to complete the installation
1.4.35. Problem with Ubuntu Software¶
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt get upgrade
sudo apt autoremove gnome-software && sudo apt install gnome-software
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f
1.4.36. Problem with title bar being transparent¶
Create this file and add .config/gtk3.0/gtk.css
.header-bar {
background-image: none;
background-color: #313434;
box-shadow: none;