2. Git

2.1. Commands



$ git clone https://user@bitbucket.org/username/file.git

Clone the repository to the required directory. This will create a directory called “file” with the repository inside it

$ git fetch origin

Fetch any changes from origin

$ git merge origin/master

Merge the origin with the master branch

$ git pull origin master

Fetch any changed from origin AND merge the origin with the master branch

$ git pull

Fetch any changed from origin AND merge the origin with the master branch (origin and master are defaults)

2.2. How to configure git for a machine?

  • This is done once per machine



$ git config --global user.name "Andrew Roberts"
$ git config --global user.email en9apr@hotmail.co.uk

This identifies the user of git

2.3. How to download a repository?

  • cd into the directory you want the repository downloaded to

  • It will create a subfolder with the same name as the repository on github



$ git clone https://github.com/en9apr/sphinx.git

This will clone the .git repository and create a new subdirectory called sphinx

2.4. How to put a directory under version control?

  • Firstly create a repository in GitHub (it must be public - unless you want to pay)

  • Alternatively GitLab can be private and you don’t have to pay https://gitlab.com

  • cd into the directory you want under version control



$ cd existing_folder

Change to existing folder

$ gedit README.md

Create a readme file (add some text to this)

$ git init

Initilises git

$ git remote add origin https://gitlab.com/apr207/twoPhaseEulerSrivastava.git

Adds the origin to a github respository

$ git add .

Create a dummy file. Add all changes

$ git commit -m "Solver before any changes are made"

Commit the changes

$ git push -u origin master

Pushes the changes from the master to the origin

You can now add new files and repeat the add, commit and push stages.

2.5. Example of how to create a project

Exact steps after creating a project twoPhaseEulerSrivastavaFrictionFoam:

cd twoPhaseEulerSrivastavaFrictionFoam
git init
git remote add origin https://gitlab.com/apr207/twoPhaseEulerSrivastavaFrictionFoam.git
git add .
git commit -m "16/05/2018 solver working with explicit friction, but massflow is too high"
git push -u origin master

2.6. How to change the origin?



$ git remote rm origin

Removes the current origin

$ git remote set-url origin https://gitlab.com/apr207/twoPhaseEulerSrivastava.git

Changes the origin to github respository

$ git add -A

Add all changes

$ git push -u origin master

Pushes the changes to the origin (username and password required)

2.7. How to commit changes to git and push to respository?



$ git add .

Add all changes

$ git commit -m "The new changes are identified by this sentence"

Commit the changes

$ git push

Push the changes to the origin (will have to enter username and password for the origin)

2.8. How to commit three folders to git and push to respository?



$ git add 0 constant system

Add all changes

$ git commit -m "The new changes are identified by this sentence"

Commit the changes

$ git push -u origin master

Push the changes to the origin (will have to enter username and password for the origin)

2.9. How to change a project from private to public in gitlab?

Projects > Your Projects > (click on project)

Settings > Permissions (expand) > Project visibility = Private

2.10. How to create a new repository

Sign into github as en9apr:


Click New button

Public repository

Create repository

cd existing_folder

echo “# darcyFoam” >> README.md

git init

git add .

git commit -m “first commit”

git remote add origin https://github.com/en9apr/darcyFoam.git

git push -u origin master

username password

2.11. If I change something?

git add .

git commit -m “second commit”

In gitk: File > Reload

2.12. If I change something else?

git add .

git commit -m “third commit”

In gitk: File > Reload

2.13. Use git k to revert commits (you can see the tree)

Right click > revert commit

(can only take you one step backwards)

2.14. how to remove reverts?

hard reset.

In git k: Right click > Reset master branch to here (select Hard reset)

In git k: File > Reload (should remove all commits)

2.15. How to create a branch?

In git k: right click > new branch > name_of_branch

2.16. How to delete a branch?

git branch -d name_of_branch

2.18. How to branch off to previous state?

Create a branch where the state is - In git k: right click > new branch > name_of_branch

git checkout name_of_branch

can still make commits to this branch:

git add .

git commit -m “third commit”

In gitk: File > Reload