4.1.3. Constructs¶ Conditional¶
Code |
Meaning |
if (expression) action
One logical condition expressible as an action (e.g. print) or on a single line (e.g. x = a) i.e. no multi-line blocks are allowed |
if (expression) then
! block
else if (expression) then
! block
! block
end if
Multiple logical conditions |
block_a: if (expression) then
! block
else if (expression) then block_a
block_b: if (expression) then
! block
end if block_b
else then block_a
! block
end if block_a
Named Blocks for nested blocks |
select case(number)
case (:0)
! block
case (1:2)
! block
case (3)
! block
case (4:)
! block
! block
end select
Select - choose an action depending on the value of
where (mask expression)
! block
! block
end where
Where - useful for iterating through arrays with a conditional statement without using a loop | Iteration¶
Code |
Meaning |
do i = i_start, i_stop, i_step
! block
end do
Iterator - loops with an integer counter until stop is reached |
do while (expression)
! block
end do
Do-While - loops with condition tested at start |
if (expression) exit
! block
end do
Blank Do - loops without condition until the if statement is true |
outer: do
inner: do i = i_start, i_stop, i_step
if (expression) cycle inner
! block
if (expression) exit outer
! block
end do inner
end do outer
Nested Do - contains outer and inner loops
| Statements¶
Code |
Meaning |
Halts the program cleanly |
stop 'message'
Halts the program cleanly displaying a message |
Leaves a subroutine or function |
Leaves a loop |
Next iteration |
Used in a do loop, which would otherwise end in an if (archaic) |
go to 100
Jumps to the specified statement number (archaic). The number it refers to must be within columns 1 - 5. |