3.3.2. Aerodynamics of Jet Exhausts Part 2¶ Introduction¶ Background¶
- Civil aviation traffic will increase in the future, so reduce:
direct operating costs
fuel burn
- Need to improve design technology in:
- Improve motor thermal efficiency by:
Increase TET
Increase OPR
- Future architectures:
Higher BPR (currently 11, will be 15+)
Lower FPR
- This will:
Lower specific thrust
Improve propulsive efficiency
- Why is the exhaust important?
Increasing BPR will increase gross to net propulsive thrust
Designs are therefore more sensitive to variations in gross propulsive thrust
Gross propulsive thrust is linearly dependent on the aerodynamic performance of the exhaust
- Which components will be analysed?
Bypass duct
Post exit components Exhaust system performance accounting¶
- What is separate jet exhausts?
Core cowl separates core flow from bypass flow
Protruding core plug limits the length of core cowl
- What is the problem with separate jet exahusts?
Can be substantial sources of thrust loss (gross thrust reduced by 2%)
- How is performance measured?
Discarge coefficient
Velocity coefficient Design Optimisation of Engine Exhaust Systems¶
CFD is a reliable performance prediction tool
It is also efficient and used in design optimisation (Efficiency is depending on mesh size, geometry complexity, schemes, solvers and models used) Heath (2015)¶
Axi-symmetric, dual stream plug nozzle
Parametric geometry via free-form deformation and 3rd order b-splines
RANS solver
Steady state
Unstructured grid
Adjoint, grid deformation, grid adaption to obtain gradients
Optimisation using sequential quadratic programming (SQP)
Minimise integral of near-field pressure disturbances relative to freestream flow
Gross thrust gain of 0.2% relative to baseline Clemen (2012)¶
- Why not use HYDRA for?
Linearised unsteady solver
Non-linear solver
Steady adjoint solver
Harmonic adjoint solver
Integrated framework for high BPR turbofan with core mounted gearbox Like Ultrafan?
2nd order splines for parametric geometry
3D RANS solver HYDRA
Steady state
Hybrid optimisation comprising initial design of experiment coupled with RSM and global optimiser
RSM (Response Surface Modelling) based on design of experiment results using interpolations based on radial basis functions
Genetic algorithm to minimise total pressure loss within bypass duct
0.1 % reduction in pressure loss Haderlie and Crossley (2010)¶
Axi-symmetric supersonic inlet
Modified splitter geometry that separates core and bypass flow
Parametric geometry based on Kulfan’s CST method
RANS flow field
Multiblock structured mesh
Optimisation based on design of experiment - Latin hypercube
Surrogate model using Kriging interpolation
Optimisation from genetic algorithm and local gradient based sequential quadratic programming
Optimisations used total pressure recovery and peak radial distortion intensity at the inlet’s aerodynamic interface plane
Improved splitter design that satisfied imposed geometric constraints
Current paper is based mainly on this one Qiu (2014)¶
Unsteady, continous adjoint-based acoustic propagation method
Optimise the design of a low bypass duct for a civil turbofan
Hick-Henne shape functions for parametric model of bypass and nozzle
Optimisation based on local gradient based algorithm driven by Jacobian from adjoint method
Minimise tonal noise
Reduced overall SPL in far-field by 2.78dB Scope of Present Work¶
Aerodynamics of the exhaust is important for future high BPR engines
- What is unique about the current work?
Previous authors have looked at optimising exhaust nozzles
A holistic approach for separate jet exhausts including bypass, core duct and post exit components has not been reported
Impact of high BPR engines and lower FPR on exahust system design and optimisation has not been reported
- What is the approach?
Cycle analysis
Geometry parameterisation
Mesh generation
RANS flow solution
- What is new?
Expand optimisation strategy using DOE (Design of Experiment), RSM (Response Surface Modelling) and GA (Genetic Algorithm)
- What is being optimised?
Current and future engine architectures
Large turbofans
Optimise the exhaust designs Numerical Approach¶ Aerodynamic Design of Separate-Jet Exhausts¶
- What is GEMINI?
Tool developed is GEMINI
Designs complete exhaust system for designated engine cycle using key engine hardpoints
- Applicable to:
Engine performance simulation
Exhaust duct and nozzle aeroline parameterisation
Viscous compressible flow
- What is the process?
Designate a set of thermodynamic cycles and geometric design parameters
Analyse engine at design point and off design (0D conditions) - Turbomatch, output bypass and core sizes and flow capacities, at steady state conditions
Inverse design to create 2D axi-symmetric model
Automatic generation of grid
Convege CFD solution
Determine discharge and velocity coefficients Exhaust System Parametric Geometry Definition¶
- How is the parametric geometry defined?
Kulfan’s CST functions
Qin’s CST variations
Bypass, core, duct exhaust are reduced to a set of analytical expressions
The expressions are functions of a standard set of design parameters
- How is the nozzle designed?
Geometric throat area is known
An effective convegent-divergent ratio is defined
Application of the rolling ball area estimation method to nozzle exit plane and upstream CP results in a series of control points that satisfy the prescribed design parameters
- How is the upstream duct defined?
Direct control of a series of control points
- Why is the engine intake considered?
To capture the effect of inlet mass flow capture ratio
To then account for the effect of the static pressure distributionon the nacelle
To then account for the effect of freestream supression on the aerodynamic performance of the exhaust system
- How is the geometry defined?
Upstream duct via specifying position, slope and curvature within a series of control points
Core cowl and plug are modelled as straight lines
Includes a third nozzle DSE and Optimisation¶
- What is done in this paper?
Implement DSE and optimisation environment
Non-linear nature must be dealt with
Must mitigate the cost of numerous CFD applications
- How is the process of DSE done?
Deployment of DOE method to explore the available design space
Construct RSMs from DOE results
- What kind of DOE is used?
Latin Hypercube
- What is a RSM?
Hypersurface describing the mathematical relationship between a set of imposed design inputs and outputs
The use of RSMs will avoid a prohibatively large number of CFD simulations
Interpolation using Gaussian process regression, Kriging interpolation
Performance metrics are discharge and velocity coefficient
Leave-one-out cross validation used to check predictive accuracy of RSMs
- How is the optimisation done?
Global method to avoid being trapped in locally optimal solution - GA (Genetic Algorithm) Results and Discussion¶ Definition of Baseline Engines¶
- How are the baseline engines defined?
Optimise low pressure exhaust system design and core afterbody aerolines for current and future aero-engines.
BPR current = 11
BPR future = 15
OPR, TET, component efficiencies selected according to technology guidelines
Each cycle optimised wrt FPR to maximise specific thrust
2D axi-symmetric
Geometry from public domain
Predictions at mid-cruise
Bypass is choked, core is unchoked Parametric Design Space Definition¶
- How are the parameters designed?
11 to 12 variables for future and current engines
Outer line angle is kept constant for future engine Design Space Exploration¶
How is the design space explored?
Design space discretised using Latin Hypercube
360 exhaust geometries
Correlation between design variables and performance metrics was investigated
Hinton Diagram using Pearson’s product-moment correlation
Shows only a few parameters influence the performance metrics
Within the range of assumptions, the aerodynamic performance of the exhaust is decoupled from the intake and nacelle forebody
Changes applied to the exhaust do not influence the intake or nacelle Response Surface Modelling¶
- How are the RSMs constructed?
Using DOE data
Interpolation using Gaussian processes regression (Kriging interpolation)
Quadratic regression function and squared exponential autocorrelation function
- How are the RSMs checked?
Leave one out cross validation
Employs all the avaliable data apart from one, which is the one to prediction
Prediction is compared with original raw data for accuracy
Surrogate model predictions are correlated against raw data using Pearson’s product moment of correlation
Also assesses averge model error and standard deviation for each performance metric
Result shows that CFD raw data and predicted data has very high correlation.
Could be improved using a larger amount of data
Low percentage error
Standard deviation is of similar order to error, so data is scattered - shows non-linearity of the system Exhaust System Design Optimisation¶
- How is the optimisation performed?
Genetic algorithm
Advantage of using RSMs is that they are more efficient than CFD models
- What is the process for the GA?
For current and future engines
Optimise in terms of overall velocity coefficient
Population size is 10 times number of design variables
40 generations
Convergence criterion of \(10^{-12}\)
- What are the results of the optimisation?
Good solution achieved within 500 evaluations
Still contains small number of unfit individuals
Improvement wrt baseline values is large (2-4% in thrust)
CP to exit length ratio is increased (as before) mitigating strong shock
Also flow separations are mitigated Conclusions¶
Design optimisation for separate jet exhausts for future civil aero engines
- Modules for:
Cycle analysis
Geometry parameterisation
Mesh generation
Viscous compressible flow solution
Novel analytical geometry tool using CST functions
2D axi-symmetric RANS CFD model
- Extended formulation to include:
- Used to optimise:
Current engine
Future engine
Design optimisation can increase net propulsive force by 1.4% or 3.4% for future and current engines
Can identify design guidelines and mitigate undesirable flow features