The Matrix Method for Stability of Spatial Discretisation¶ The Eigenvalue Spectrum of \(\mathbf{S}\)¶
von Neumann stability analysis assumes a periodic solution and a uniform mesh
We need to establish a more general method that includes the influence of the BCs
Let \(\Omega_j\) where \(j = 1 .... N\) be eigenvalues of \(\mathbf{S}\):
Associated eigenvectors \(V^j\) \(\Rightarrow\)
\(T\): the matrix formed by \(V^j\) as columns:
Eigenvectors are a complete basis set Recall¶ Model Decomposition¶
Exact solution \(\overline{\mathbf{u}}(t,\mathbf{x})\)
First term depends only on time, the second only on space. Model Equation¶
Leads to “Modal Equation” for the time dependent coefficient
The exact solution is the sum of the homogeneous solution:
And a particular solution e.g. a solution of the steady state equation: Modal Solution¶
Where \(c_{0j}\) are from the I.C.
In matrix representation:
At t=0 we get the coefficients
The eigenvalues of the space-discretisation matrix completely determine the stability of the solution
S completely determines the behaviour of the solution! Stability Condition¶
For the ODE system:
The exact solution \(\overline{\mathbf{u}}(t,\mathbf{x})\) must remain bounded
All the modal components must be bounded
Require that exponential terms do not grow
Hence the real part of the eigenvalues must be negative or zero
\(\Omega\)- plane: The eigenvalue spectrum has to be restricted to the left half plane
Note that if (1) is satisfied:
this is a solution to the stationary problem:
Want \(\Omega\) to have large negative real parts, to converge quickly to a steady state solution using an iterative method Matrix Method for Stability Analysis¶
From the previous examples: the structure of \(\mathbf{S}\) depends on the BCs and how they are implemented (e.g. one sided difference etc)
We now have a method of investigating the influence of BCs on stability
We can also investigate effects of non-uniform meshes
More general method than von Neumann analysis
But, difficult for general boundary conditions to get analytical expressions for the eigenspectrum of \(\mathbf{S}\)
We use periodic BCs \(\Rightarrow V^j = e^{Ik_jx}\) (Fourier modes in 1D)
where \(\phi_j = k_j \Delta x\)
Applied to the \(\mathbf{S}\): Example 1 - 1D Diffusion¶
CD scheme - leaving time discretisation undefined, so that we write ODEs:
Using eigenfunctions: \(V^j (\mathbf{x}) = e^{Ik_j x}\)
Eigenvalues are real and negative between \({-4 \alpha} / {\Delta x^2}\) and \(0\) Example 2 - 1D Convection¶
With 1st order upwind
The eigenvalues are complex with negative real part, so stable Example 3 - 1D Convection¶
With CD scheme
The eigenvalues are imaginary in range \({{-Ia} / \Delta x}\), \({{Ia} / \Delta x}\) Conclusion¶
All 3 examples satisfy the stability condition
Also, negative real part contributes \(e^{-\left| I Re \Omega_j \right| t }\), this creates damping
Numerical diffusion