Explicit and Implicit Finite Difference Formulas¶ 1D Diffusion Equation¶
Recall the 1D diffusion equation (Parabolic type): Explicit Solution¶
In step 3, we had:
FD in time
CD in space
Equation for \(u_i^{n+1}\) was the only unknown
Computed values at \(n+1\) depend only on past history
To start the solution we need:
An Initial Condition
Two Boundary Conditions
Explicit Method = a formulation of a continuum equation into a FD equation that expresses one unknown in terms of the known values
The Lag of the BCs:
Look at the grid at time \(n+4\), the boundary conditions are imposed at \(i-4\) and \(i+4\):
The information at the boundaries at \(n+4\) does not feed into the computations of unknowns at \(n+4\)
This is contrary to the physics (for parabolic equations, the charactistic lines are of constant \(t\), and therefore all values at a given time level should affect the solution)
If the BCs are constant with time, then this may not affect the solution. If the BCs vary with time, it may affect the solution
In an explicit formula, the BCs lag behind by one step Implicit Solution¶
How can we have a scheme that includes the BCs at every time level for the computations?
Approximate \({\partial u} \over {\partial t}\) and \({\partial^2 u} \over {\partial x^2}\) at \(n+1\)
So that \({\partial u} \over {\partial t}\) is effectively looking backwards in time (in other words if you took 1 off all the \(n\) values, you would get backward differencing on the LHS - but we want to march forwards on time, not backwards, so using \(n+1\) instead of \(n\) is better).
3 unknowns, producing this stencil:
Need a set of coupled FD equations found by writing FD formulas for all grid points.
Linear system in matrix form will be a tri-diagonal coefficient matrix
A formulation which includes more than one unknown in the FD equation - known as an implicit method
Can use sparse methods to save memory.
Crank-Nicholson method¶
There are many numerical methods:
Forward Differencing - 1st order, conditionally stable
Backward Differencing - 1st order, unconditionally stable
Crank-Nicholson - 2nd order, unconditionally stable
Richardson - 2nd order, unconditionally unstable
DuFort-Frankel - 2nd order, conditionally stable
Of these methods, Crank-Nicholson shows the highest accuracy and stability
Average of explicit and implicit schemes for \({\partial^2 u} \over {\partial x^2}\)
This makes \({\partial u} \over {\partial t}\) at \(n+{1 \over 2}\) represent second order central differencing in time
Numerical scheme:
Re-arrange in the form of the tri-diagonal matrix:
This is second order in time and space
Implicit \(\Rightarrow\) tridiagonal system to solve
Crank-Nicholson: Two step Interpretation¶
Note we noted before than an expression like \({u_i^{n+1}-u_i^n} \over {\Delta t}\) can be a CD approximation for the midpoint \(n+1/2\)
In terms of the grid points, we have a CD representation of \(\partial u / \partial t\) at the midpoint and the average of the diffusion at the same point
Two-step computation:
Explicit Step (FD in time, CD in space):
Implicit Step (BD in time, CD in space):